Paris game week 2012
That is it, the Paris Game Week is over. I was there with some friends, just like last year, it was really great and just like last year, I'll give you the short summary that goes well. For pictures, go to the bottom of the article.
Everything starts when I wake starts ringing, I turn it off and starts cursing the organizers have not chosen Rennes rather than Paris, it is 5:00, I just proved that I am able to get up this early. I still have the way to Paris to go. I take my socks and my breakfast and I go met the guys taht already have an hour's of drive behind them, there kind enough to take me through. The moon sets. We reached Paris three hours and a half later. We crossed the ring road without pitfalls (lucky!) and parked in the parking whith very cheap price. We leave the car, shakie our ass, after 3:30 driving it turned harden.
Being already came the previous year, I made the cake to finally realize that I do not know what building the event takes place, giving me my first fail of the day. Once I understood that the signs are here for, we find our way pretty quickly. Along the way, I was offered three free samples of Axe shampoo and a violent blow to the self esteem. And here we are! the event I've been waiting for several months. We enter, and this is what we see (sorry I filmed 640 * 480).
A filled stands honoring video games room, and if it is not already great, I do not know what you need. We begin by making a first round to discover a little of what the show has in store. All editors present last year and present some new mingle at the party. The more we progress, the more I regret having cursed the organizer who lack not have chosen a more near place (TROLL). There know how to organize a great game show (opinion not at all biased by my Geek side). We spend the morning walking through the aisles, discovering lots of interesting things and as at latest edition I had taken too few photos and that I regretted later, we stoped to the shooting . A little before noon, we enter the Nintendo booth to see what the Wii U had in the belly. We waited for half an hour to get on the stand and finally not being able to play because too many tickets were distributed and there was not enough consoles ...
Is again another round so well to make sure I see everything! then stops on what will be the second activities of day, of course I want to talk about the ESWC. For those who don't know, it means Electronic Sport World Cup. There is a lot of people watching, the ambiance is prefect and show is amazing.
We then had the opportunity to attend a league of legend cosplay contest which i will have neither picture nor video but I think you can find on the net if you are interested. And it is out of this set cosplay I crossed lili dîn in her lara croft cosplay.